Cyber Radicalization and the Need for New Regulatory Regime


Cyber radicalization is one of the rising issues being looked by sovereign countries today. Prior, we have seen the abuse of the Internet for cybercrime exercises and for criminal purposes. By using Internet extremist promote, propagate and implement radicalized thought. Cyber radicalization is now starting to develop as a potential risk to the sovereign security and trustworthiness of sovereign countries.

Mobile communications, multimedia, and computer innovation have changed relational correspondence into mass correspondence, because of which radicals have an entrance to a large number of individuals. Internet resources have become not only an alternative mean of mass information but, probably, the most popular one. The Lack of compulsory essentials to confirmation of each page in social network improves the assignment for radicals, causes them spread their thoughts in disguise under incognito.

Now let’s see the procedure of Cyber radicalization and the requirement for the new administrative regime. how and why a few people are defenseless in the public eye and focused on terrorist trying to enroll them.

What is Cyber Radicalization

Vicious radicalization that breaks with the procedure of political, municipal or moral open deliberation and causes terrorist and dangerous activities. This radicalization depends on fanatic belief systems over the web.

Radicalism succeeds precisely where there is a great deal of disappointed with their lives individuals, miserable, unfulfilled people, where social relations, political administrations, religious value don’t give the individual a chance to self-complete. In this manner, powerless class to a terrorist for selecting are the adolescent who looks for another shot in life or individuals who look for a feeling of equity in vindicating and have a mutilated perspective of justice.

The Role of the Internet in Radicalization

The internet is playing an increasingly prominent role in radicalization, extremism and terrorism. Terrorist utilizes sites as wellsprings of ideological motivation, to reach each other and for viable purposes, for example, discovering manuals on the best way to make explosives. Even with saving a draft message in a mail Id could be done, Which could be accessed by anyone.This includes no sending or receiving of any kind of messages.

  • The web makes more chances to end up radicalized.
  • The web echo chamber like social media is hazardous.
  • The web speed of the process of the procedure of radicalization.
  • The web enables radicalization to happen without any kind of physical contact.
  • The web builds open doors for self-radicalization.


Hypothetical Situation for better understanding how exactly its work

ABC is a  male and has been described as a loner who spent most of his time on the internet. ABC sent an email to his College HOD threatening E-mail to kill him and other Faculty unless he received a 3,00,000 Rs ransom. According to ABC, there were a number of explosives planted around the College building. When asked by police, ABC admitted to having looked at explosives on the web portal.

Need for New Regulatory Regime

Today, the radicalization has expanded very Rapidly. Political and financial discontinuities of the world, equipped clashes, globalization, and various different variables have prompted a reinforcing of extremists gatherings and a radicalization of society.With a political issue, this factor is been increasing day to day.

We need to come up with a more comprehensive legal approach and framework to address various issues in cyberspace. Today, a lot of work in personal, professional, social and governance space is being done on the Internet. Therefore, there is a need to look at the issues in cyberspace and new regulatory regime.

The recent cyberspace trends in India, cyber terrorism and radicalization are going to hit the big time in India. We need to put the legal framework to check this before it happens. Unfortunately, we do not have it. We have a provision but it is not completely effective.Even a whole Information technology Act is been framed but there is no such related provision to it.

We need regulation to give any individuals to power to fight these attacks. Individuals will begin getting certainty once they understand there is a legal framework set up which really enables the state to prosecute cyber lawbreakers viably The courts may apply the existing laws in a progressive, updating and purposive manner.

Government Initiative

The Union Home Minister made new divisions Counter Terrorism and Counter-Radicalization (CTCR) to check radicalization and digital misrepresentation. The CTCR division will devise brisk techniques for de-radicalization and to check psychology of terrorist. It will prepare action plans for fighting terrorism and radicalization. Dangers and risks to internal security from expanded radicalization and terrorism were growing the new wing will surveying on assessing the reach of global terrorist outfits.

As cyber radicalization and cyber terrorism keep on growing, we need to more focus on with national and global frameworks to effectively regulate the same. To Counter with cyber radicalization, Need for New Regulatory Regime is must over the world.

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