

Networking security is something which deals with the protection of the data and the computer’s network by malicious attacks launched by hackers via internet, Ethernet and etc.  We use network security because we want to conform the security, integrity, confidentiality of the data and computer network too.  


For network security we need to configure some controls which are also called network security controls. There are 3 types of network security controls that are:- 

  • physical network controls 
  • technical network controls 
  • administrative network controls 

-PHYSICAL NETWORK CONTROLS:- Physical network controls is the type of setting which provides security from an unauthorized personnel from gaining physical access to the network component. Once an unauthorized personnel gains the physical access to the network component then he can inject viruses or malware or can have all access to the logs, biometric and many other vital informations and files 

TECHNICAL NETWORK CONTROLS:- Technical network control is a type of network control which controls the data which is stored in the servers and also controls the data which is incoming and outgoing through the internet. The stored data is protected from the unauthorized personnel. The data incoming and outgoing through is protected by the hackers present world wide who are seeking for the company’s vital information. So basically the stored data is also been secured from the internal employees too. You may wonder why we have to protect from internal employees? The answer for that is as you read in my previous article there a term grey hat hacker who defames the company he is employed in so to stop or avoid this type of attack this has to be protected from internal employees too. 

ADMINISTRATIVE NETWORK CONTROLS:- The word administrative itself says that in administrative network control the security and privacy policies are been configured. They also sets some limits up to what the user can search or see. This type of network controls can also be used for controlling the user’s behavior on the network. 

Now there are many types of network security which can be used to protect the network but the main and the major part of network security are 

  1. Network access control 
  1. Antivirus and anti-malware software 
  1. Application security 
  1. Behaviour security 
  1. Data loss prevention 
  1. Email protection 
  1. firewall 
  1. Intrusion prevention system 
  1. Mobile device security 
  1. Network segmentation 
  1. VPN 
  1. Website security 

NETWORK ACCESS CONTROLS:- The network access control means the person accessing the internet or Ethernet wire or wireless the network will recognize the person who is using the network and accordingly the network will allow and restrict the user. In other words the network access control keep out the attackers and brushwackes. 

ANTIVIRUS AND ANTI-MALWARE SOFTWARE:- Antivirus scans all the applications and detects the viruses. Antivirus scans all the applications no matters whichever format it is it will scan and detect the viruses. Anti malware do all the same work done by antivirus but antivirus do not detect malware and anti malware scans and detect malware in the applications and fix it itself. 

APPLICATION SECURITY:- Application security is very important because each and every application have some or the other loopholes and these loopholes may be very harmful for the company’s vital information. The attackers may use these loopholes to take out the vital information as well as they can also inject malware and virus also. When a company uses application security software they use it for enclosing the loopholes. 

BEHAVIOURAL ANALYTICS:- Behavioural analytics as the name itself a two different word which are behaviour and analytic. If we combine these words the meaning of this word will be analysis of behaviour of the network and flow of the data. If this analysis reports any unusual behaviour in the flow of data in the server and network it will inform to the security team and they will fix that particular problem. 

DATA LOSS PREVENTION:- In every company the most important thing is data. Data can be deleted or edited or forwarded to any unofficial personnel in a very unsafe way which can open the doors for attackers to attack and take out whatever data they want to edit or remove or whatever it may be the attacker can do whatever he wants. 

EMAIL SECURITY:- The emails which have attachments attached in it is generally quiet dangerous. These attachments are the sites which contain virus and malware. When this attachments are opened the virus and malware get into the server or the network. Sending of malicious emails 
is called phishing attack. 

FIREWALL:- Firewall is a virtual wall which discriminate between trusted and non trusted devices itself. Firewall is actually a security software which controls the incoming as well as outgoing of the data to the internet or from the internet. 

INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEM:- Intrusion prevention system is a type of security software which continuously seeks for the threats which may have effects in future but this will fix the threat in advance so that in future the system and the servers are completely secure and safe. 

MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY:- Mobile device security is used for the security of portable devices like mobile phone, laptops ans etc. The main purpose of mobile device security is to keep away the unauthorised user from gaining the access. This software is design and configured in such a way so that only the authentic user can use the device. It secures the back door of the devices from where the attackers may enters into the device. 

NETWORK SEGMENTATION:- Network segmentation is used when the traffic is very high at the site network. During this time the network gets divided into subnetworks which reduces the traffic load in the site. The additional advantage of network segmentation is it defends the network from getting attacked by the attackers and this attacks is know as DDOS. Here DDOS stands for distributed denial of service.  

VPN:- VPN stands for virtual private networks. It generally used in combination with proxy servers and may overlay network. It creates a protective layers between  devices and the network. 

WEB SECURITY:- Web security also know as  cyber security. Web security is actually about protecting  a website by detecting the threat, taking various steps and precaution and responding to cyber threat.