Role of Honeypot in Network Security

Role of Honeypot in Network Security: Our world today controlled by technology and innovation and it’s essential that innovation is accessible, insured and secure. From E-banking to government foundation, booking our flight and train tickets, Technology plays an imperative part in it. and thus, Securing network is never again a discretionary added. if not, However, the same technology may hazardous for us when it’s exploited and could lead us to loss. Digital assault and attack is presently an international problem, as prominent breaks and breaches have given many worries that hacks and other security assaults could jeopardize the worldwide economy. So there must be some framework to recognize those assaults on the databases. Hence honeypot is an ideal approach to mitigate network vulnerabilities.

Definition of Honeypot

In the computer system, A honeypot is a mechanism decoy to lure attackers for trapping hackers or tracking unauthorized access or new hacking techniques. A honeypot is intended to identify and detect the malicious activities over the web.

Basically, the inspiration driving the name honeypots is gotten from the honeypots existing in the genuine living. As we definitely know, such honeypots ought to be clever of alluring things which is the nectar of somebody who is a youngster or home of ants for example. This honeypot could be extremely valuable to get this individual tricked out. With regards to PC honeypots, it is the same by any stretch of the imagination. A similar idea applies to the end goal that an enticing target exists and winds up alluring for an aggressor who gets himself enticed to misuse the objective and play out his coveted assault in the middle.


The idea of the honeypot in computer science initially started in 1999 when Lance Spitzner, an originator of the Honeynet Project, Published the paper “To Build a Honeypot”.

According to the Lance Spitzner, Founder of Honeypot Technology, “A honeypot is an information system resources whose value lies in the unauthorized or illicit use of that resources”.


Types of Honeypot

The kinds of Honeypots depict them in greater detail and define their goals. Based on deployment, may be classified as:

1.Research honeypots – A research Honeypot is used in a different scenario like the military, research and government associations and the most part, rely upon these kinds of honeypot. A research honeypot is run to accumulate data about the thought processes, strategies, and procedures of the Blackhat community. Honeypot gives a real-life knowledge of how the assault happens. A large volume of data is contained in this variety of honeypots. While the primary advantage of research is to see how a system could turn out to be more secure.

2.Production honeypots – Production honeypots are used to catch just restricted data and to perform a progressed identification work, and are utilized fundamentally by organizations or corporations; It is also called low-interaction honeypots. Production honeypots are set inside the production network with other production servers by an organization to enhance their general province of security. With the knowledge of the attack on the Honeypot, it is simpler to decide and close security loopholes. The system can give data to insights of monthly happened attacks. Activities on Honeypots can be utilized for verification if that an individual has pernicious goals and it recognizes assaults which are not gotten by other security systems. It gives less knowledge about the attacks than research honeypots.

Implementation and working of Honeypot 

Cyber attacks venture out through the web to private PC systems constantly. Honeypot innovation can be tedious to introduce and design. But the value of Honeypot in a website’s security cannot be denied. The honeypot is exceedingly adaptable with a wide range of uses to security.

Let’s take a closer look at honeypots work and how to execute it:

Deciding the best possible level of interaction is vital because based on the level of activity that allows an attacker. There are frameworks with various levels of interaction. Interaction measures the movement of honeypot execution permits the hacker. The more interaction is allowed, the more you can find out about the attacker and his expectations. High level of interaction involves genuine operating system and application, and low level of interaction has the limited constrained reach out of a collaboration with an external system.

Set up something on your system that resembles an alluring PC to a hacker like just install defenseless software and utilize weaker security not more powerless or weaker which prompt the danger of an attacker breaking out of the honeypot container and assaulting the genuine production systems. It draws in the aggressor to play out the assault. Isn’t a smart thought? honeypots can be set up inside, outside or in the DMZ of a firewall or notwithstanding Putting a honeypot outside of your DMZ and toward the web is a prevalent option. That’s the best area for watching outer attack on your system. You would prefer not to put a honeypot inside your DMZ since attacks to your DMZ can have appalling outcomes. Make sure as a couple of representatives and contractual workers know about the inside honeypot as could be allowed, It is a compelling method to get and examine interior and additionally outer attacks. The general idea is that once an intruder breaks into a system, it will return for resulting visits. During these resulting visits, extra data can be accumulated and extra endeavors at a record, security, and framework access on the honey can be checked and spared.

Security is the fundamental component of any organization so keep update and be secure…

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